I am in a no-person's land between the last of the finals at my main school of employment, but the last two weeks of my part-time position at the local university, and starting the first day of the summer session. And my son will be married in three weeks. My heart is in my work and with my family, but I am getting distracted just the same by realizing that summer is coming before long, and that means my summer field studies class is suddenly on the horizon. I have been enjoying sifting through my Yosemite region photos, but that coming horizon also includes some wonderful places.
I partly blame Silver Fox for the distraction, too. Her picture of the
San Rafael Swell brought to the fore that I will be on the road soon. So, I will be continuing a series of little known places, but that will include some of the wider world of geology out there. Today, we start simple: where is today's photo? Our class will spend two days on the north side...
I think I recognize that picture Geotripper. Wasn't I there with you several years ago on the North Rim?
Even hazy, it's still easy to spot the Grand Canyon. That is a beautiful photo.
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