Looking through my files, I found only three pictures of the falls, and all were wintertime shots when the falls were frozen. I am also guilty of ignoring them!
The problem of a social recognition of earthquake dangers is somewhat less in southern California, given the tragedy of the 1994 Northridge quake, but I still find that many of my students are unprepared for the eventuality of large quakes. They were apparently convinced that the Y2K computer meltdown would affect their lives more. Few have water, food, and first aid supplies set aside, and few really know what to do if a quake takes place. Many still intend to try and stand in a doorway if one happens.
The picture of the day above is part of the scarp formed by the Landers quake of 1991 (actually 1992, I was sloppy and writing too quickly, thanks, andrew ), a 7.5 magnitude event that produced a 50-mile long tear in the Mojave Desert, and killed two people. The new fault line offset pipelines, streets, fences, and houses, and only the remote location kept the death toll down. The picture was snapped in 2003; the dry environment has allowed the scarp to persist.
We got lots of little reminders that we live in earthquake country. The Alum Rock quake last November took place minutes after my night class took their earthquake quiz. They were standing outside, and most of them rushed into the building to check out the department seismometer (everyone else was running outside). We are currently experiencing some mysterious activity offshore of Oregon (Earthquake Swarm off Oregon Coast). And always, the little tremors continue all over the state (586 in the last week at magnitude 1 and above at http://quake.usgs.gov/recenteqs/latest.htm; that's about twice as many as normal for the last few years).
Oh, and I wasn't sure I should even bring it up, but last night's episode of Eli Stone involved a crank prediction of a 6.8 quake that is going to bring down the Golden Gate Bridge...and then...a quake happens, and the Bridge collapses! Given the "story arc" style of the show, it will be interesting to see if the earthquake continues to be a factor in future plots. And the special effects of the bridge collapse were pretty good for television, at least on my little set.
Diagrams and maps of the California faults in this study can be found at http://www.scec.org/ucerf/ including probabilities of particular faults (http://www.scec.org/core/public/sceccontext.php/3935/13664) and the overall probability map (http://www.scec.org/core/public/sceccontext.php/3935/13661).
*Enclave: Body of external origin in an igneous rock. The main varieties are xenoliths (fragments of solid rocks) and microgranitoid enclaves (former magma globules derived by mingling of magmas).
Vernon, R.H., 2004, A Practical Guide to Rock Microstructure, Cambridge University Press