Anyway, I must say that thus far my students have exhibited a great deal of restraint in terms of begging for a passing grade. They mostly seem to know where they stand. But with finals coming up, I figure it can't hurt to clue them in as to what might happen if they try to con a grade they don't deserve. After all, they are ALL reading this blog, because I told them at the beginning of the semester that it would be fun and interesting to read. And who ever ignores advice from a professor? Especially my fine students, and in all seriousness, I have some stellar students this year. It has been such a pleasure working with them
Oh, and for those thinking about a geology class in the fall? I welcome you! I welcome you all! Up to the limits being imposed on us all by the rationing of education by the state of California. If you make it into a class, by golly make it count! Don't be the other incognito character below...
I'd love to be one of your students. Hope they know how lucky they are.
Garry is a great professor to have, I always enjoyed his class/ lecture. It helps that he has a passion for geology and it comes through in his teaching.
Doug N
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