You can tell when I have curriculum updates to complete. I can't complete a sentence that doesn't include "analyze", "classify", "assess", and other related terms. My normal conversation changes: "Look honey, we have bills, junkmail and postcards in the mail today. I am going to assess their relative merits, classifying and prioritizing each of them according economic importance, with an outcome that may include discarding, ignoring, or saving." Or to the dog, I might say "Angel, do you want to conduct a kinetic exercise, so as to observe and analyze recent visitors on our block using visual, auditory and olfactory evidence?"
And I can't blog worth a darn...but here is a nice picture of a cat that we miss (not in the bad way; she moved out along with her "parents" headed to grad school).
Gone is summer vacation and normal talk. Beautiful cat.
You'll probably have to update your SLOs next (student learning outcomes, for those not in academia). I did three classes (curriculum and SLOs) over the summer.
It's all BS... Good for gardens, but not helpful in the classroom.
The horror... the horror!
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