I am leaving tomorrow on our yearly field studies journey to Death Valley National Park. It is one of the centerpieces of our earth science/geology program at our community college, and has been a yearly tradition since I started at the school in 1988. Hundreds of students have attended and participated; many have gone on to become geology majors and teachers, and many point to their experience in the field as the defining point in their lives.

I don't think I can overstate the value of field experiences in an earth science/geology education. But I don't know what is coming next. The depression (and despite what the economists say, this is a depression) is ripping out the heart of education in our state and across the country. In the midst of economic chaos, the need for an educated population is the greatest it has ever been, and our resources are shrinking. Where do we go from here? For now, I'm going to do what I can, and what is possible. I'm going to take an enthusiastic group of students into the wilds, and we will experience together the thrill of discovery. And I'm going to hope for the future.
Garry: the second picture sure looks like Red Rock Canyon State Park.
It's not on the direct route to Death Valley, but it's not too far out of the way. And there are many neat geological features.
Have fun in Death Valley!
Book learning is fine but I think hands on, or feet on, teaches me the best. I have to believe we can inspire others through education. Have a great time in DV. One of these years I'd like to join your class there.
As a recent geology grad (UC Davis), I have similar fears for the future geoscientists. The accessibility of geology is simple, but the fascination comes from discourse with likeminded individuals. The thrill of exploring an outcrop with your peers, finding the best mineral grains or most complete crinoid stem is untouchable.
I am cheering you on! Keep on armwaiving!
Sometimes a good source for field trips might come from alumni. I am in agreement that there is no substitute for geo students, "office" or "lab" geology is no substitute. I send my contributions directly to the department chairs at my former undergrad and grad schools specifically directing them to apply the funds to help defray the costs of any geology field trips, be it for fuel, or to help subsidize a student's cost.
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