I hope you are having a nice Saturday! Here's a photo mystery along the lines of the Silver Fox
"Where in the West?" series (and no, I don't know where her picture was shot). What is in the photo, where was the photographer, what are some of the meteorological and geological circumstances? First prize is a feeling of accomplishment for guessing it first....
At first I thought that was the Golden Gate Bridge, but we would have to be looking toward SF from the pacific, so that's the Bay Bridge in the foreground. This was taken from the east bay, probably from Redwood Regional Park. It couldn't be from Mt. Diablo, could it (you'd need a telephoto to get that view)?
The hills in the foreground are one limb of a syncline, with the Hayward Fault running along their base. Oakland should be viewable from the far ridge.
It's late afternoon and the sun is coming from almost due west, so it's probably taken in the last few weeks; I've seen that late summer fog crawling across the bay a few times in my life.
Sure, I'll agree with the above answer. Yet wherever, that's a Gorgeous capture!
I was thinking that maybe it was some weird atmospheric condition that creates a mirage or lens-like effect, and that the photo was actually taken from the Sierra or someplace a far distance away.
Here is my guess,It looks like Skyline blvd in the oakland hills looking towards San Francisco.
Doug N
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