Sunday, April 24, 2011

Professor Incognito Reawakens...

I come crawling to the end of a long semester, and finals week looms, starting tomorrow. I've been wading through a massive pile of laboratory manuals and quizzes for the last four days. I'm having so much fun. It's time to revive the character who appeared on this blog last year about this time, a return at least as welcome as federal tax deadlines and lawn weeds. Professor Incognito is the creation of Zeo at, an artist who refuses to reveal the inspiration for her professor character. I certainly know it couldn't be me. I mean, I would NEVER say things like this...well...almost never.

Anyway, I must say that once again my students have exhibited a great deal of restraint in terms of begging for a passing grade. They mostly seem to know where they stand. But with finals coming up, I figure it can't hurt to clue them in as to what might happen if they try to con a grade they don't deserve. After all, they are ALL reading this blog, because I told them at the beginning of the semester that it would be fun and interesting to read. And who ever ignores advice from a professor? Especially my fine students, and in all seriousness, I have some stellar students this year. It actually has been a pleasure working with them, and they will be missed.

Oh, and for those thinking about a geology class in the fall? I welcome you! I welcome you all! Up to the limits being imposed on us all by the rationing of education by the state of California. If you make it into a class, by golly make it count! Don't be the other incognito character below...


  1. I always feel bad about giving poor grades. But a few years ago, I realized that bad grades can actually help students.
    Bad grades teach students that deadlines are real, and that there are consequences for procrastination. They give students a reason to learn to budget their time, and plan ahead.
    Bad grades also give students a realistic view of where they stand. I've lost count of how many illiterate and innumerate students have told me that they got their first F in my class. All through High School they had been passed on without actually being able to read or do simple math.
    So enjoy the edible bribes, and give them the grades they have earned!

  2. Big trip to the Pacific Northwest and Northern Rockies with my students in last half of June! Otherwise, working on my educational images website, and fixing things up around the house.
