Monday, January 24, 2011

Dear Gabby, Advice from a Geoblogger

Dear Gabby...

I just don't understand human relationships. I'm lonely, I want to be with other people, but I just don't get it. What can I do??



Dear Unfulfilled

Humans find their loneliness is ameliorated by love, commitment and bonding. But everyone is different. This is what human togetherness is all about...

  • It is said that in love, opposites attract. But sometimes one does all the giving, the other all the taking.

  • In olden days, before "domestic relationships", "living together" and "shacking up", there was once something called "cohabitation".

  • In the 1960s there was something called "free love", a sort of joyful noncommitted relationship.

  • But with some, there seems to be a problem with any kind of strong commitment.
Good luck with your search for bonding with others!


Dear Gabby

People have been calling my hubby a "couch potato". I don't get it. What is a couch potato?


Tired of serving

Dear Tired of Serving:

A couch potato is one of those people whose sole ambition is to expend the least energy possible. Think about it. I'll bet that hubby spends his day prone on the Lazyboy Lounger, and exercises by pressing his thumb on the remote, and communicates with the rest of the household by shouting "get me a beer, honey", because he is so darn lazy he can't rise and do it himself. He may only get excited when the television transmits a touchdown, but he soon sinks back down.

I'm sorry, but he will never change. I suggest going to a CPA meeting, Couch Potatoes Anonymous.



So of course, the dear readers of this blog are saying "what the heck does this have to do with geology, O Geotripper???

Anyone want to guess?


  1. Molecules in metamorphic rocks???

  2. Ann Landers on geologists. I won't spoil the punchline.

  3. "Opposites attract... one does all the giving, the other all the taking." That sounds like ionic bonding.

    "Cohabitation" would be covalent bonding.

    "Free love" is then metallic bonding.

    And of course, noble gasses have "a problem with any kind of strong commitment."

    It sounds to me like you covered minerals this week in your geology classes. Like the rest of us, you had to start with basic chemistry, because if you start by assuming students actually paid attention in their high school science classes you'd be met with a classroom full of blank looks.
