Sunday, January 23, 2011

California Alquist-Priolo Earthquake Fault Zone Maps Available Online

(Cross-posted from Teaching the Earth Sciences)
A note from Cynthia Pridmore at the California Geological Survey:

Alquist-Priolo Earthquake Fault Zone Maps

CGS now offers online access to AP Fault Zone Maps:

Individual maps can be viewed on screen; PDF images and GIS files can be downloaded by selecting a specific quadrangle map. Other CGS online map updates: both the geology and fault activity maps for the state are viewable online as well as the regional 1:250K and 1:100K geologic map series. The older Geologic Atlas series of maps will soon be made available as well. See

On a different note, March 20-26, 2011 is National Tsunami Awareness and Preparedness Week. CGS has lots of downloadable educational/outreach materials available at . Scroll down the main page to see links to both the inundation maps (CGS) as well as the CalEMA MyHazards website. We provide numerous links to K12+ tsunami curriculum and activities. For more information on availability of printed educational materials contact:

Cindy Pridmore

916 324-5572

1 comment:

  1. Wow, thanks for that info! I've already sent it to three people. =)
