Saturday, January 30, 2010

NPS Web Page Chronicles Yosemite Valley Rock Falls

Via, here is a link to a new web page on the rockfall history of Yosemite Valley. Besides a report on rockfalls in 2009 (there were 52), the page includes a wealth of links to other resources about mass wasting phenomena in the region. The map above chronicles the location of all the major rockfalls from 1857 to 2009.

It was a big year in the valley for this sort of thing. The Ahwiyah Rockfall actually changed the appearance of Yosemite as seen from the Wawona Tunnel and Glacier Point forever, and was the largest rockfall in 22 years. Luckily no one was hurt or injured.

1 comment:

  1. love this post and your 'map' of the rockfalls. i have been in the valley for several - nature is so exciting.
