Saturday, January 1, 2022

For a Coming New Year of Challenges: River Otters!

There are so many challenges coming in this new year and the years that follow. Dealing with the worst pandemic in a century, protecting our democracy, and above all, working to mitigate the effects of climate change and global warming. Those of you on the front lines: you are making a difference. You may feel like you are burning out, but hang in there, and take a short sanity break. Here is something to help: River Otters (Lontra candensis).

We were towards the end of the Waterfowl Auto Loop at the San Luis National Wildlife Refuge, and I saw something dive into the algae-covered slough. Sure enough a fur-covered head popped up, and then another. They seemed as interested in us as much as we were in them. So here is a 90-second moment of Zen for a New Year. I hope that yours is as good a year as possible in challenging times.

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