Monday, November 26, 2018

Fall Finally Arrives, California Style

I would never try to compare our fall season with the hardwood forests of New England and the Appalachians, or even with the aspen groves of Colorado or Utah. But there are a few benefits to experiencing fall here in California.
For one thing, our fall lasts for a couple of months, and our trees are at the height of their color at a time when the trees back east are barren of leaves, and winter-style snows are lashing the landscape. It was 68 degrees out yesterday (though we had a day of light frost last week).
I walked the Tuolumne Parkway Trail this morning after a week on the road, and the changes were pretty obvious. The willows and wild grapes were changing.

There are also some mature cottonwood trees that have been various shades of yellow for weeks now.
But we also have some brilliant colors in the city as well. I had errands in town and took a few shots of the Modesto neighborhoods where Modesto Ash was planted many years ago.
There are other ornamental trees on our west campus that are relatively young, and they turned almost fluorescent over the holiday weekend.
So yes, I would never presume to say our fall show of color can compare to the wild displays back east, but I certainly enjoy having a few weeks to appreciate the changes that are happening here right now.
There is a lot of horror going on right now in so many places. I'll be back to trying to right the wrongs soon, but for a few moments today I took a few breaths of blessedly clean air (the Camp Fire is out, thank heavens) and enjoyed the technicolor show.

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