I've been to Yosemite Valley twice in the last month, including a day when the Merced River was still at flood stage. I was reflecting on the many journeys I've made there with my students and with Mrs. Geotripper, and what a stunning place it truly is. I was thinking of a new angle to present some pictures of the latest trips, but then my good friend @phaneritic on Twitter asked a question about quotes concerning the valley that don't involve the writings of John Muir (as wonderful and poetic as his words were). I realized I had written about some of the legends of Yosemite a few years ago, and decided it was time to bring some of them back, in case they were missed before.
These stories also have relevance to the moment because of the
decidedly stupid legal war over trademarks being waged between the National Park Service and the recently departed Delaware North concessionaire. One current sign of the ongoing legal battle is the new name for the Ahwahnee Hotel ("Majestic Yosemite") and Curry Village ("Half Dome Village"). Half Dome is a very plain name for such a stupendous rock, and I am thinking the park service missed an opportunity. Tis-sa-ack Village might have been a mouthful to pronounce, but it gives the rock a history and an air of mystery.
And so here it is, the story of Tis-sa-ack and Tu-tok-a-nu-la, a geologic love story, first published in
November 14, 2014:
Tis-sa-ack (Half Dome) from near Yosemite Falls |
A love story...
Unnumbered snows have come and gone since The Great Spirit led a band
of his favorite children into the mountains, and bade them rest in this
beautiful Valley of Ah-wah-nee. They were weary and footsore, and were
glad to rest after their long journey. Here they found food in
abundance. The streams held swarms of fish, meadows were knee-deep in
sweet clover, great herds of deer roamed the forests in the Valley, and
on the high mountains, oak trees were bending under the weight of their
acorns, grass seeds and wild fruits and berries grew in bountiful
profusion. Here they stayed and built their villages. They were happy,
and multiplied, and prospered and became a great nation.
North Dome, Washington Column, and Half Dome in the clouds |
How many stories begin in paradise?
I find the myths of different cultures to be fascinating. They provided their people with an explanation of the unexplainable, a comforting story that suggests there is order in the apparent chaos of the universe. In the perspective of geology, we can sometimes see the whispers of eyewitnesses to significant geologic events: the eruption of Mt. Mazama, for instance, which resulted in the formation of Crater Lake, is described in Native American oral histories. In this post we see one of the legends of Yosemite Valley, with all the embellishments and cultural biases of a 1922 narrative. Still, it's a good story
To their chief came a little son to gladden his heart. They wanted
this son to become a great chief, capable of the leadership of a great
people. He was made to sleep in the robes of the skins of the beaver and
the coyote, that he might grow wise in building and keen of scent. As
he grew older he was fed the meat of the fish, that he might become a
strong swimmer, and the flesh of the deer, that he might be light and
swift of foot. He was made to eat the eggs of the great crane, that he
might be keen of sight. He was wrapped in the skin of the monarch of the forest, the grizzly bear, that he might grow up fearless and strong in combat.
So many stories come with the hero, and the most interesting stories have heroes with flaws...they had everything. But then things happen. The world and the people who live in it are not perfect. And frankly, life would not be interesting.
And, when he grew to manhood, he was a great chief and beloved of all
the people. His people prepared for him a lofty throne on the crown of
the great rock which guards The Gateway of the Valley, and he was called
Tu-tok-a-nu-la, after the great cranes that lived in the meadow near
the top. The people of Ah-wah-nee were happy, for Tu-tok-a-nu-la was a
wise and a good ruler. From his high rocky throne he kept watch over the
Valley and the people whom he loved. He called on The Great Spirit who
sent timely rains, so that the acorns grew in abundance, the hunters
returned from the forests with game, and the fishermen from the streams
with fish. There was peace and plenty throughout the Valley of
Ah-wah-nee, and when Tu-tok-a-nu-la held speech with his people from his
high throne his voice was deep and strong like the deep sound of the
Tis-sa-ack from Sentinel Bridge |
But paradise can't last forever. Trouble was coming, or more to the point, the trouble lay hidden in the heart of the hero, and it was about to be made manifest. There were no doubt all kinds of communications between the many Native American bands in California, and the trading of knowledge and technology. I'm sure this led to problems at times as well.
One day as Tu-tok-a-nu-la sat gazing into the glowing colors of the
west, he saw approaching his valley a strange people, led by a maiden of
wondrous loveliness. He called to them and the maiden answered him,
saying, "It is I, Tis-sa-ack. We have come from the land of my people in
the far south to visit with you. We have heard of the great and good
chief, Tu-tok-a-nu-la, of his great people and his wonderful valley. We
bring presents of baskets and beads and skins. After we have rested we
will return to my people in the far south." Tu-tok-a-nu-la welcomed the
fair visitor from the land to the
south and had prepared for her and her people a home on the summit of
the great dome at the eastern end of the Valley. There she stayed and
taught the women of Ah-wah-nee the arts of her people. Tu-tok-a-nu-la
visited her often in her mountain home. He was charmed by her wonderful
beauty and sweetness, and begged her to stay and become his wife, but
she denied him, saying: "No, I must soon return with my people to their
home in the far south." And, when Tu-tok-a-nu-la grew importunate in his
wooing, she left her home in the night and was never seen again.
To-ko-ya (North Dome), Nangas (Washington Column) and Tis-sa-ack (Half Dome) from Glacier Point. The Ahwiyah Point rockfall scar is visible just right of center below Half Dome. |
The perfect women, the Helen of Troy, the Eve. Of course, perfection is a tricky concept, subject to many biases and assumptions. It doesn't much take into account the actual relationship between those involved. As Mr. Spock mentioned in a famous episode of Star Trek: "
After a time, you may find that having is not so pleasing a thing after all as wanting". Bad things are about to happen.
I admit, I've never heard the word importunate before.
When the great chief knew that she was gone, a terrible loneliness
and sorrow came to him, and he wandered away through the forests in
search of her, forgetting his people in Ah-wah-nee. So strong was his
love for her, and so deep his sorrow, that he forgot to call upon The
Great Spirit to send the timely rains. So great was his neglect that the
streams grew smaller and smaller and finally became dry. The crops
failed. The hunters came back from the forests without meat, and the
fishermen returned from the streams empty-handed. The leaves and the
green acorns fell from the trees, and the bright flowers and green
grasses became dry and brown.
From Washburn Point it is obvious that Half Dome isn't just a boring name, it is a mathematically wrong name. Three-Quarter Dome, maybe. I would just go with Tis-sa-ack |
This is where the geologist in me starts paying attention. California has droughts, and there is evidence of mega-droughts that lasted more than a century.
Check out this post for some of the striking evidence. These droughts both occurred within the last 2,000 years, recently enough to be remembered in the oral histories of a people.
And then things get interesting in a hurry...
The Great Spirit became very angry with Tu-tok-a-nu-la. The earth
trembled with his wrath so that the rocks fell down into the Valley from
the surrounding cliffs. The sky and the mountains belched forth smoke
and flame. The great dome that had been the home of Tis-sa-ack, was rent asunder and half of it fell into the Valley. The
melting snows from the high mountains came down into the Valley in a
flood and drowned hundreds of the people. But the wrath of The Great
Spirit was quickly spent, and the heavens again grew quiet. The floods
receded, the sun shone, and once more peace and calm reigned over
Ah-wah-nee. The life-giving moisture from the renewed streams crept into
the parched soil. The oak trees put on new leaves and acorns. The
grasses again became fresh and green, the flowers lifted their drooping
heads and took on their old gay colors. The fish came back to the
streams, and the game to the forests.
The earth trembled...so that the rocks fell down into the Valley from the surrounding cliffs". Earthquakes have rocked California for a lot longer than humans have been around, and no doubt played an important part in causing mass wasting within the valley. John Muir experienced the 1872 Lone Pine earthquake while in Yosemite Valley (magnitude 7.8 or higher) and witnessed the collapse of a cliff. I've witnessed a few small rockfalls that I will never forget. Imagine the impact of a really large quake and the accompanying rock falls on the collective memory of a people.
The sky and mountains belched forth smoke and flame". Yosemite lies just west of the Long Valley Caldera and the Mono Craters, and eruptions have occurred there as recently as a few hundred years ago. Imagine the impact of a fair-sized eruption over the mountains on a people who maybe had never witnessed such a thing, or only heard about it in legends.
melting snows from the high mountains came down into the Valley in a
flood and drowned hundreds of the people." It's not hard to imagine the impact of a Pineapple Express (an atmospheric river storm) falling onto a thick snowpack in the mountains above Yosemite Valley.
Such an event took place in 1997 (be sure to check out the video). Much of the valley floor was covered by as much as 6-8 feet of water, and the event was devastating to the human developments in Yosemite Valley.
Ironically, the natural environment was far less devastated. The ecosystem of Yosemite evolved in an environment of occasional huge floods, and life sprang back quickly.
And, when the Valley was once again clothed in beauty and plenty,
there appeared on the rent face of the dome which had been her home, the
beautiful face of Tis-sa-ack, where it can still be seen to this day.
And the dome was named Tis-sa-ack, in memory of the fair visitor who had
been loved by all the people of Ah-wah-nee. At the same time, that all
might hold his memory in their hearts, there appeared on the face of the
great rock supporting his throne, the majestic figure of the great
chief, dressed in a flowing robe and pointing a finger to where he had
gone, to El-o-win, the happy land beyond the setting sun.
And thus we have the story of how Half Dome, Washington Column, and North Dome came to be. I am struck by how lifeless these names actually are, and I wish we could see their names changed to reflect the very interesting stories of their origins.
We have stories too of the formation of how these rocks came to be. They involve the formation of granitic magma deep in the hellish regions of the Earth's crust, the intrusion and cooling of the granite, the uplift and erosion of the rocks by rivers and glaciers, and the shaping of the rocks by the working of jointing, exfoliation, ice, and mass wasting. It's a good story, based on careful observations, but the ancient legends? They were based on careful observations as well. The Native Americans maybe didn't have the technology we have today, but they did a pretty good job of describing the phenomena, and designing models to explain their observations.
This version of the Half Dome story is from The Lore and the Lure of The Yosemite by Herbert Earl Wilson, published in 1922. Another legend of Half Dome involves an argument between a husband and wife, with thrown baskets and other unpleasantness. I like the story above better!