Friday, December 29, 2017

Moon over (former) Magma...Pictures from the Road

 Who knew that it rains all the time in the Pacific Northwest??

We're most of the way home from our travels from central California all the way to Seattle, and I of course was looking forward to views and pictures of all those incredible volcanoes that extend from Shasta to Mt. Baker, but for the most part we saw overcast skies and rain. Go figure.
We did see Mt. Rainier briefly in our rear-view mirror at the end of a long driving day, and St. Helens for a moment from a bridge over the Columbia River in Portland, but neither moment offered an opportunity to stop for picture-taking. The clouds closed in shortly after.

We had similar hopes for today as we traveled down the central axis of the Oregon Cascades from Roseburg to California, but once again, the clouds were thick. But as we left Weed on the flanks of Mt. Shasta, the clouds parted and we had a glorious view of the sun-bathed volcano. I pulled off the highway, determined not to miss this last opportunity for a picture or two. As I was snapping pictures, I noticed the moon emerging over Shastina, the slightly smaller cone below the summit of Shasta. So here are the results. Enjoy! We did.

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