Thursday, December 25, 2014

Holiday Wishes: The Nation's Christmas Tree and Holiday Images of the Ah-wah-nee

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all! As is my tradition, I offer up once again a very big Christmas tree, the General Grant Tree in Kings Canyon National Park. The tree is so large (268 feet high, 40 feet across at the base) that it took three pictures for me to capture it.
The tree was declared by Calvin Coolidge in 1926 to be the nation's Christmas Tree. At an early ceremony, park superintendent Colonel John White said ""We are gathered here around a tree that is worthy of representing the spirit of America on Christmas Day. That spirit is best expressed in the plain things of life, the love of the family circle, the simple life of the out-of-doors. The tree is a pillar that is a testimony that things of the spirit transcend those of the flesh." I don't have a shot of the General Grant all dressed in snow, so here is another Sequoia after a surprise storm during an April trip.
In honor of the season, allow me to offer up views of my favorite winter haunt, Yosemite Valley. Mrs. Geotripper and I try to get up there every year about this time, and it may yet happen this year too. Snow is a magical thing in California, a source of wonderment and beauty. We aren't really all that familiar with it!

I want to thank all of my readers, new and old, for your attention and kind comments over the last six years. I've always enjoyed hearing from you, and appreciate getting to know my new friends from all over the world.
Bridalveil Falls under ice
Upper Yosemite Falls with a rainbow
Sentinel Rock in icy conditions
The Cathedral Rocks
El Capitan
I wish a wondrous season to you all!


  1. Merry Christmas! I have only recently come across your blog, but it is really excellent and I love learning about the geology of places that I will probably not get to visit in real life. So thank you for your time & efforts, it is appreciated!

  2. Happy Xmas. Now that is a great christmas tree!

  3. Beautiful picture! Hope you had a merry Christmas as well.
