Thursday, September 4, 2014

Register for the Fall Meeting of the National Association of Geoscience Teachers! Oct. 10-12 at CSU Sacramento

The 2003 meeting sponsored by CSU Sacramento: Exploring the Malakoff Diggings

The fall meeting of the Far Western Section of the National Association of Geoscience Teachers is taking place on Oct 10th-12th in Sacramento at California State University Sacramento. Trip opportunities include the Sierras, Delta and local Sacramento geology.  Professors, K-12 teachers, and students (official and unofficial) of the earth sciences or geology are encouraged to join us. You do not have to be a member of the NAGT to attend, although we would love to have you join our organization. We encourage and support the teaching of the earth sciences in California, Nevada and Hawaii, and try to sponsor meetings that are not a great stress on teachers and students on limited budgets. You do not have to live in these three states either. These meetings are a great way to become acquainted with the geology of this fascinating region!

Here is a sampling of some of the exciting field trips that are planned:

1.    A Traverse of the Sierra Nevada from Sacramento to Donner Summit-Eldridge Moores, Emeritus Professor, Geology Department, UC, Davis  

2.    Bay Delta Hydrology and Geology-Rob Barry, Chief Project Geology Section, California Department of Water Resources; John Suen, Professor Emeritus, California State Univ., Fresno; Mark Pagenkopp, Geologist, Calif. Dept. of Water Resources

3.    Gold, Aggregates, and the Yuba Dredge Fields, California Mineral Education Foundation, Cynthia Pridmore, Engineering Geologist, California Geologic Survey

4.    Miocene, Pliocene, and Pleistocene Stratigraphy near Sacramento, CA. Tim Horner, Chair CSU, Sacramento, Geology Department, CSU, Sacramento

5.    The Legacy and Effects of Mercury in California Gold Rush Streams -Mike Hunerlach, Regional Mining Geologist and Liaison US Forest Service, Charlie Alpers, Research Chemist, United States Geologic Survey. 
Stephen Testa, California State Mining Board-Oil, Gold, Earthquakes and Higher Education in the latter half of the 19th Century.

Sue McClurg, Deputy Executive Director, Water Education Foundation The Bay Delta Conservation Plan: How did we get here, and where are we going? 

Lots of other activities and field trips are scheduled!

Register now! Information can be found at the links below:
    Register Online, using credit card or PayPal! 
    Registration form:
    Conference Information:
    Conference Agenda:
    Accommodation Options: h

Hydraulic mine in the California goldfields.

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