Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Where are the Ten Most Incredible Places You've Ever Stood? A New Blog Series...

What is the most incredible place you have ever stood? That thought occurred to me this last weekend when I got up to Glacier and Washburn Points in Yosemite National Park. For those who are less familiar with the park, Glacier and Washburn Points are on the rim of Yosemite Valley, not on the valley floor. As such, they give a bird's-eye view of one of the most incredible pieces of land in the world, and though a million or more people may stop there during their visit to Yosemite, I'll bet the majority of park visitors don't venture up that way. It's something like 20 winding miles outside of tourist central on the valley floor, and perhaps hard to squeeze in when trying to rush through the park in the limited moments afforded by a vacation.

Is the high point on the rim of Yosemite Valley the greatest spot I've ever stood? I'm not sure yet! This is the opening salvo of a new series called the Ten Most Incredible Places, and I'm going to decide number one somewhere along the way before I finish. I'd also like you to consider what your own most incredible places are. I'd love to have you share them, perhaps in your own blog if you have one, or share them in the comments here. I'd be glad to post a few of your wonderful pictures as I consider my list. Be sure to include some reasons why a particular place stands out, whether geological, biological, spiritual, or personal.

I'm looking forward to seeing some incredible places!


  1. Here is one of mine, Garry. https://plus.google.com/u/0/+VickyGallardo/posts/GSd9EzKwEnr

  2. The first one that I can think of is the overlook at the top of Yosemite Falls. Now I'm going to think about this one because so many come to mind.
    Doug N

  3. Hmmm... this sounds like a fun challenge. So many places.

  4. This is definitely one of mine. I spent a day here, just couldn't tear myself away.....

    Have to think about others.

  5. Yosemite needs a lot more of my time.
