Wednesday, April 2, 2014

A Chance to See the Most Advanced Planetarium Star Projector in the Country! Friday, April 4 at Modesto Junior College

For those of you who live in Central California within driving distance of Modesto: If you follow my blog at all, you know that I have been enthusiastically describing the new Science Community Center along with the Great Valley Museum and Planetarium at Modesto Junior College. Many of you have been wondering when you would have a chance to see the planetarium (with the most sophisticated star projector in the country) in action. That time has come! This Friday the Great Valley Museum holding a major fundraiser, and will be offering four planetarium shows as well as tours of the nearly completed Great Valley Museum, including demonstrations of the Science on a Sphere. This is worth a bit of a drive if you are anywhere near, and the proceeds will support the Great Valley Museum in this, their most important year ever as they open up the new facility in a few short months. Come and join us! I'll be there, and will gladly offer tours of the geology department upstairs as well.


  1. Awww, I can't make it. But I'd like to contribute. Can you post information about where and how to send money?

  2. The museum website seems to be in a state of flux as they change over, so I would contact them by email at or There is information on the web at but they haven't worked out the new membership page yet, with all the chaos of moving to the new site.
