Saturday, May 11, 2013

Science on Screen: Jurassic Park at the State Theatre! Sunday, May 12

The final film in our State Theatre "Science on Screen" series is happening this Sunday, May 12 at 2:00 PM. I'm looking forward to this one especially because I will be serving as the speaker before the film. We will have some bone specimens in the lobby, and will be raffling off a few samples of bone to lucky kids (or their parents...). If you live in the Modesto area, I hope to see you there!

The following is an announcement from the State Theatre...

What better way to celebrate Mom's special day than treating her to one of the best adventure films of all time?  That's right, there is no better way than bringing her to The State for Jurassic Park  -- the old-school version NOT the 3D version because we're assuming Mom is old-school, like us! We're so honored to have Mom spend her day with us, that we're going to admit her for free. That's right, bring Mom to the May presentation of Science On Screen and Mom gets in at no charge. She'll love the interactive activities before the film and the presentation too. Be sure and check out the fossils and talk with the MJC geology club, or enter a drawing to win a HUGE, inflatable dinosaur. There will be lots more to do and experience so come early and stay late -- for the Q&A with Garry Hayes following the film.

Film: Jurassic Park, Steven Spielberg's blockbuster in which a theme park suffers a major power breakdown that allows its dinosaur exhibits, cloned from prehistoric DNA, to run amok. Starring Sam Neill, Laura Dern, Jeff Goldblum and Richard Attenborough.
Speaker: Garry Hayes, M.S. -- Dinosaurs: From Fossils to Film
Mr. Hayes is a geologist, local scientist and popular geology instructor at Modesto Junior College where he's taught and shared his passion -- and popularized paleontology -- with thousands of students since 1988.

Doors at 2 p.m.; presentation and film 3 p.m.

(Q&A following the film)
These programs are made possible by a grant from the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation.
A pioneering program pairing Hollywood films with presentations by notable experts from the world of science, technology, mathematics and medicine.


  1. Thank you for an awesome time. I'm one of the parents who brought Alice, the 6-year old girl with the little red stuffed t-rex (Little Reddy is his name) who got your personal tour before the presentation. She's a shy kid around strangers, but the whole trip after that was jabbering about how cool the fossils were that you showed her and that they are cooler than the film ("which wasn't realistic enough" she says).

  2. Thanks for the nice comments. I had a great day too, it is always fun when we can pull our fossils out and share them with kids in the community. It was a pleasure meeting you.
