Thursday, May 2, 2013

Science Community Center at Modesto Junior College: Ribbon Cutting on May 21st! Come and have a look...

If I've been blogging less of late, it has something to do with the end of the semester, finals week, and the big move to the new building that is the end of a 10 year long journey from the original sketches on paper. The Science Community Center at Modesto Junior College, a facility built with funds from our own local community, is set to open for tours and observations on May 21st at 10 AM (ribbon cutting at 10 AM, tours to follow). The first classes are being taught this summer session.

I feel that this may be the finest facility for teaching science at any community college in the state (yes, I am biased). It includes a planetarium with the most advanced star projector in North America, a state-of-the-art observatory, and a vastly expanded Great Valley Museum including Science on a Sphere. We expect in the next year to install an adjacent outdoor nature laboratory as well. The facility includes laboratories and smart classrooms for Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Astronomy, Earth Science, and of course, Geology.
If you are anywhere near Modesto (easy freeway access), I encourage you to stop by. I'll be giving tours on the third floor with our new geology displays all day. It has been a long hard road reaching this day, with thousands of hours logged by our staff people making sure that we have the finest facility possible (and we did it within budget!). I deeply appreciate the efforts of the staff and faculty members of our division who put their heart and soul into this incredible project.


  1. Looking good. I'll bet you're glad it's finished and opening.

  2. You should thank your administrators and board of trustees who made good decisions regarding priorities.

    Here at East L.A. College our administration and board decided to build a state of the art baseball field, benefiting the few dozen young men who are on the baseball team (the women get their own field). Meanwhile the science departments who serve thousands of students (literally, we're a big school) are in bungalows.

    It's positively criminal how many schools around the state and around the country are short changing science education.

    For instance, check out this science survey by Pew research:

    Only 7% of Americans were able to answer all 13 questions correctly -- questions that any Middle School kid should be able to answer!

    So thank you to MJC for setting a great example! I hope my district decides to copy you...
