Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Happy Holidays from Geotripper!

It's a big beautiful world out there, and all I can think of for this day is to share a little corner of it with you all, and to wish you all a happy and safe holiday season in all your travels and visits. We've enjoyed a few days along the central Oregon coast, and now we are setting off on the homeward journey (through a rather exciting looking storm!).

The Siuslaw is one of the many rivers that flow out of the Oregon Coast Ranges to the sea. At Florence, the river flows through the Oregon Dunes, and the mouth of the river is the site of a constant battle between river, dunes, and waves.
The bridges of the Oregon Coast are beautiful, and from underneath some recall the ruins of Gothic cathedrals.
We didn't see a lot of sun during our visit (Really? It rains in Oregon?), but it peeked out for a beautiful sunset the other day.
For Christmas Eve, we explored along the coast a bit and found a beautiful spot where Cape Creek meets the sea at Heceta Head. There's a lighthouse hidden in the trees above the center of the photo.

Have a great holiday! Peace to all.


  1. Love that Oregon coastline. The weather is what makes it. And those art deco bridges are sculptures.

    Hope you had a Merry Christmas and enjoy the rest of your holidays.

  2. The weather is indeed what makes it. At Humbug Mountain State Park in Oregon, one walks under the freeway bridge to get to the ocean. The bridge is modern construction, bit it's been taken over by a colony of swifts (I think; birding isn't my thing, but swifts have very distinctive tails). So you wander along the creek under the bridge, wishing you'd worn a cap, while all these birds are dashing to and fro! It's wonderful.

  3. We've had to drive past Humbug three times now without stopping. Next time we're gonna do it!

  4. Happy hoidays to you too, I'm also travelling so happy holidays from my buenos aires apartment
