Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Stressing about things? Stare at these for a few moments....

This blog post is offered as a moment of quiet serenity on the day before a pretty serious election. There is a lot of the stuff, from the national races to some local propositions, that will certainly have a direct effect on my life, if not yours. But it is stressful.

We live next to the Tuolumne River, and there is a river walk with a lot of shrubs where a colony of cats has taken up residence. It probably doesn't do much for the local squirrel population, but the local residents probably don't mind the relative absence of mice and rats.
 The cats are pretty suspicious of strangers, but they always come out to see of we are bringing catfood...
 Sooo...imagine the purring, and feel your blood pressure go down a few points.
 Say "ahhh..." a couple of times, and the stress lines will leave your forehead...
But as this one is clearly saying..."don't forget to vote tomorrow"...


  1. Thank you for this post, and the previous one. :-)

  2. I'm so jazzed that prop 30 passed. I was fearing an extreme decimation (not that we haven't had something like that already) of our universities and community colleges. Breathing a sigh of relief...

  3. Believe me, I am breathing easier now too. Both for my students, and for myself.
