Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Arrests Made in Robbery of Gold at California State Mineral Museum in Mariposa

Arrests have been made in the robbery of gold specimens and other minerals from the California State Mining and Mineral Museum in Mariposa last September. Four suspects have been arrested by the California Highway Patrol, but there is no news yet as to whether the stolen specimens have been recovered. Details can be found here, and here.
It has never been made clear which nuggests were stolen, but they didn't get away with the biggest and most famous nugget, the Fricot (top picture) because it was displayed in a fortified safe that the thieves couldn't breach. The other nuggests pictured here were probably part of the loot, as they were in display cases with thinner windows (the robbers had pickaxes).
The samples are especially significant because they show a rare aspect of gold nuggets: crystal form, especially that shown below.
I'm glad they have caught the (alleged) thugs, and I hope they recover these beautiful specimens.

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