Monday, July 9, 2012

Reflections on...Reflections

After spending two and a half weeks on the road in some of the driest landscapes that I have ever witnessed, I really wanted to see and feel a place that still had a bit of water left. So I did, and found some nice reflections to share. I suspect it won't take some people very long to guess where I found a beautiful river and cliffs, but if you can't figure it out right away, follow on through to the end of the pictures!

Of course, all one has to do is look at the photos upside down. Yosemite is always an entrancing place, and when I got to the Valley View turnout as the sun was starting to set, I was mesmerized by the water of the Merced River.
We stayed quite a while, but still had time to drive up the valley to Sentinel Bridge for the last light on Half Dome. It was a beautiful day, and a cool respite from the dust and the heat in the Central Valley.

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