Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Geo-picture a Day Week - Zion National Park

Evelyn at Georneys has a nice idea for a busy finals week for us geobloggers. Since so many of us are too busy to post extensively, she suggests a picture a day to fill the void of words. I'm game!

Since I spent a day in the midst of finals week making reservations for next summer's field studies trip, my mind was wandering through the canyonlands of Utah. Monday's slightly late picture is from one of the grandest hikes of my life, up to Observation Point in Zion National Park. The trail is not to be taken lightly; it climbs UP, and steeply so. But what a view from the top!

1 comment:

  1. Hope you'll make it to the North Rim on next summer's field studies trip.
