Friday, November 18, 2011

Past issues of "California Geology" Available for Free Download!

How many of you remember or know of a publication by the California Geological survey called California Geology? It was a marvelous magazine written mostly for lay people, and it always had great articles on all aspects of the wonderful geology of our fair state. It was an early victim of our state budget troubles, and ceased publication in 2001 after a 53 year run (originally as the Mineral Information Service).

I especially appreciated the field guides they occasionally published including an excellent series on the geology of the Sierra Nevada Mother Lode in 1997. They also had plenty of articles about the teaching of the earth sciences that were handy for classroom exercises.

Cynthia Pridmore of the California Geological Survey has notified me that the entire 53 year inventory of California Geology issues is now available for free download as PDF files from the CGS site (click here for the search page). If you are at all interested in the geology of our state, check it out. There is some good stuff here!

Many thanks to the California Geological Survey for making the database available!

1 comment:

  1. Your blog was a delight to find. I an an amateur naturalist and find geology fascinating. Thanks for the link to those old bulletins--I already found some that were interesting to me. Also, I'd like to commend you on your photography--very nice images!
