Thursday, May 26, 2011

Water in a Dry Land: Joshua Tree National Park, and Getting Tanked

A lake in the desert? That can't be right...

Joshua Tree National Park has a bit of a schizophrenic aspect. Geologicially, the park is divided into vast tracts of metamorphic rock separated from large areas of granitic rock. Topographically, the park is divided into the higher Mojave Desert and the lower Colorado Desert (the High Desert and Low Desert of SoCal weather reports). The elevation and rock differences result in large contrasts in water availability, and thus vegetation; the iconic Joshua Tree is not found in the lower parts of the park, for instance.

The higher parts of the park exceed 3,500 feet, and the climate is cooler and wetter ("wetter" being a relative term), and this higher elevation desert even receives the occasional snow flurry in winter. My vivid memory of January camping at Joshua Tree as a Boy Scout was that of coldness, absolute extreme cold (probably merely close to freezing, but I was a southern Californian; we panic when the temperature drops below 50 degrees).

There's more water in the high desert, enough that the landscape could almost be classed as savanna. These higher elevations supported enough grass that a few ranchers scratched out a living in the region. Cattle need water, but the water doesn't flow at the surface much of anywhere in the park. The ranchers built a few small dams in scattered drainages to catch the runoff from rare rainstorms. These so-called tanks were of varying quality, and some have fallen into such disrepair that they no longer hold water, but others survive. One of the nicer (and popular) short hikes in the park visits Barker Dam in the Wonderland of Rocks area. We had a pleasant stroll there last week, on a sparkling clear day.

With a bit of revegetation effort and pathway control, one can see how grasses could almost support a cow, although the measure would be acres per cow rather than cows per acre. The grazing no doubt put severe pressure on the local population of bighorn sheep, who are occasionally seen in the vicinity of the reservoir.
The trail winds past some unique desert oak trees and a variety of yucca called Parry Nolina, which blooms into the showy stalks seen in the picture above. The bedrock in the area is entirely composed of a variety of granite called monzogranite, which formed deep underground as magma, and cooled slowly to produce the crystal-rich rock. As the granitic rock was exposed at the surface, expansion and stresses caused the rock to fracture along joints which became the focal point of weathering and erosion. The boulders weather more readily at corners and edges, giving them a rounded aspect. The process is called spheroidal weathering.
Closer to the dam, the rock is less jointed, and breaks mostly parallel to the surface, forming a dome-like structure, which is a relatively rare sight at Joshua Tree, and more familiar in places like the Sierra Nevada. This is the process of exfoliation (below).
The little reservoir captures the rare runoff from thunderstorms, and the resulting lake attracts all manner of birds, insects, mammals and other creatures, including tourists.
A look at the dam reveals what probably amounts to a lack of sophisticated dam engineering, but it has lasted for more than sixty years.
The area downstream of the dam is a beautiful landscape of rock and vegetation. A number of petroglyphs and pictographs (some unfortunately recent) can be found hidden in these rocks. The ranchers had probably built on top of a natural reservoir in the rock, and the area has been a source of water for a long time.
So what about these Joshua Trees? Is there anything geological about them? That will be next time...


  1. I really liked that walk to Barker Dam. Hope you got up to the Keys Ranch to see the amazing masonry.

  2. Desert flowers are so cool! I was on a hike up Vaughn Gulch in eastern Owens Valley a few years ago with a class field trip, and we arrived just at the spring flowering. I swear, my normally stompalong classmates and I were treading carefully so as not to trample the wildflowers. How can you step on such beauty?

  3. I love your blog! This stuff is right up my alley! The photos are so amazing!

  4. Wyletta Michelle WilliamsApril 3, 2023 at 11:19 AM

    I still check your blog spot whenever I visit a National Park! We’re heading to Joshua Tree right now!
