Saturday, April 9, 2011

A Richness of Waterfalls: A Day at Yosemite in "Spring"...and a Quiz

So, the threatened government shutdown didn't occur, Yosemite National Park didn't close, and our planned field trip took place. 24 of us headed up through Gold Country on our way to the park this morning. The weather was sunny and spring-like as we headed up into the mountains, but despite a perfect weather forecast, by the end of the day we were driving through rain and even snow. No one seemed to mind; I would have justed hated to have missed the sights. I love the place.

One of the luxeries of living near a wonderful place (I'm not gloating, I'm deeply appreciating that I have the access) is that with repeated trips, one gathers a library of thousands of digital images. After the first few trips, the pictures of the iconic features like Half Dome and Yosemite Falls become less imperative, and the photographer's eye wanders to the less-known landmarks, or looks for a new angle to capture the icons in a different way. I noticed that very thing happening today, and at the end of the trip, I found I had amassed a sequence of pictures of Yosemite waterfalls. So I thought I would offer you a bit of a quiz, which some may find hard, and others, especially those who live and work there, might find easy. In any case, the quiz is this:

What waterfalls are these?

The clues:
They are in or close to being in Yosemite Valley, or on the Merced River upstream of El Portal. A single waterfall may be shown more than once. Some might be famous. All the pictures were taken today, i.e. a period of rather extreme runoff. I'm not foolish enough to offer a prize for the best score, because I know some of my readers live up there, and know the place a lot better than I do! Number one:
Number two:
Number three:
Number four:
Number five
Number six:
Number seven:
Number eight:

Good luck and happy hunting!


  1. I'll start with the easy ones: I'm pretty sure Number 2 and Number 6 are both Bridalveil Falls.

  2. One more: Number 5 is Lower Yosemite Falls.
