Wednesday, December 1, 2010

The Sky on Fire...

My home, the Great Valley of California, is not usually a place for seeing spectacular sunsets; most of the summer, the sky is clear of clouds, but full of dust and smog. In winter, fog often obscures the evening sky, and if storms pass through, the stratus clouds stretch beyond the horizon and all is gray. But sometimes, there are days like today: clear, with a sky full of scattered clouds, and lots of color.

I'm a sucker for beautiful skies. I've been known to snap 30-40 pictures during a single sunset, as my poor overfilled hard drive can attest. Just six of them today, though. I got a late start!


  1. the last week or so has been really good for sunsets for some reason

  2. That truly is an lucious sunset.

  3. Beautiful sky! I remember the last time I saw a sunset like was September 11, 2009. Hubby and I were up in Anza, at the ranch where I board my horses. We both took LOTS and LOTS of photos!
