Tuesday, October 19, 2010

More Local Modesto News: Why We Need Wild Earth Day (and there's my new office!)

Here's the reason we need a fundraiser like Wild Planet Day: we are building a wonderful Community Science Center that will house a planetarium, an observatory, and a brand new, expanded Great Valley Museum. The building will house the Geology, Earth Science, Chemistry, Physics and Biology departments for Modesto Junior College as well. This facility reflects our local community pride, as it was funded by a local bond rather than the state or national stimulus spending. I will be occasionally posting updates on the progress of the building, which we expect to occupy in 2012. I can see my office at the northeast corner, although, being on the third floor, it is kind of hard to imagine so far (picture angle is towards the northeast).
The round foundation will be the planetarium, which will be the only one in a forty mile radius. Our community has been working for this since the 1970's...

Our Wild Earth Day is not a fundraiser to build the building, but to fund the exhibits and expenses of having a quality museum with programs to increase awareness of science and environmental issues in our region. If you are in the Modesto area, please come on October 23rd!

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