Wednesday, July 28, 2010

The Other California: A Mystery Photo for the Day

I was on one of my many excursions through the Other California recently, and snapped a shot of this cliff. I'm wondering how familiar the peak is to Californians (and anyone else), so I'm entering it today as a mystery photo. Solve it however you wish: identify the peak, identify the kind of rock, or identify the main geological processes that are operating on it.

As usual, the prize is...well nothing, but I'll give you a symbolic pat on the back!


  1. I don't recognize the peak but it looks like an excellent example of exfoliating granite.

  2. Agree with Martha. See some kind of erosion happening.

  3. My first thought is that it's probably somewhere along the north wall of Yosemite Valley. It appears to be a south facing exposure and I'd venture a guess that you were standing in a parking lot in a grove of cedars and pines when you shot it, but as good as the terrain model is in Google Earth I can't match it... yet.

  4. Is it along the back-side of Half-Dome? This looks like it could be a view from Little Yosemite Valley on the way up from the top of Nevada Falls.

  5. Definitely exfoliating granite! Great guesses, the answer is posted now:
