Friday, May 14, 2010

I Want To Go To Yosemite!

This has been out for awhile, but it is the time of year to think about seeing Yosemite waterfalls; they are approaching their peak flows with warm weather coming up after a pretty good winter. When I get the feeling I want to get up there, it usually happens, so when it does, expect some pictues.

Thanks to the National Park Service for the video (follow the link if the video above doesn't look right), and Loyd at the Yosemite Blog for bringing the video to my attention.


  1. Be sure to give me a holler when you're about to come up, Garry! Would love to meet up with you.


  2. I haven't been to Yosemite in too many years. Hope you'll go soon and post pics.

    We open tomorrow.
