Saturday, September 26, 2009

The Joy of a Good Zoom Lens...

My previous post concerned three volcanoes visible in a single shot, taken by my wife on our recent field studies journey to the southern Cascades. Lockwood asked in the comments about the location of the shot, so I have indicated the placement above. Most of you will immediately recognize the iconic view of Crater Lake and Wizard Island taken from the rim of the caldera near the resort complex on the southwest flank of the lake. The picture in question was a 24x zoom (half optical, half digital). It was amazing to me how much the shot took a familiar scene into unfamiliar territory.


  1. Emily (Sue's daughter)September 26, 2009 at 1:19 PM

    Wow! That is one heck of a lens you've got there. What is it exactly? Love your pics and the blog!

  2. Susan is using a Sony DSC-H2 with a 12x optical zoom (no special lenses or anything). The camera is three years old (an antique?), but we have had good luck with the Sonys. I'm using a DSC H50, sort of the next generation, with a 15x optical zoom. Good to hear from you!
