Saturday, March 7, 2009

OK, Not Really Geology, But....

Not really a geology post, but this is about CLAYmation, and clay is certainly a geological material, and it is being put to excellent and creative use by some of my very talented and creative cousins. And years ago, Shel went on a few trips with me where I talked lots of geology.

I've made the geology connection, so what's up? It turns out that Shel's production "Gerald's Last Day" has won a number of short film awards, and is now a finalist on the Delta Fly-In Movies Film Festival. I would love to encourage you to give their film a look and a vote (the others are pretty good too, I guess). I even know some of the characters (at least the people providing their voices!).

You know how it is with us Californians...rubbing shoulders with the Hollywood stars and all that...


1 comment:

  1. thanks cuz!

    i still stick my nose into every jeffery pine i see, inhale blissfully and think of you!

    much love,
