Saturday, February 14, 2009

A Friday Mystery Photo

A mystery photo for Valentine's Day...what's going on here? The opening is looking up towards the sky, and is about 20-30 inches wide.


  1. My first thought was that this was a glacial moulin, but they're not currently so common in your stomping grounds, Garry, plus the color is wrong.

    Upon further consideration, I'd have to guess that this photo is taken from the base of the Fossil Falls near Little Lake, CA in the southern Owens Valley. The rock would be basalt and the scouring would be Pleistocene.

  2. I like the Fossil Falls idea... But the first thing that popped into my mind was a tree mold in Hawaiian basalt flows.

  3. Looks like a tree mold.
    Would it be Columbia River basalt?

  4. I've never seen a tree mold from the bottom up, that would be cool - can't wait to find out what it is!

  5. definitely fossil falls; I think I've been in that pot hole before...

  6. I'm going with the tree mold in basalt group. I have seen those at Newberry Volcano, Oregon and Ape Caves area on the south side of St Helens. This is what they look like from the bottom.

  7. I'm going with tree mold in basalt as well due to the size, "depth", and color. Weathering could make the spiral pattern others are attributing to potholes. Can't wait to find out.

  8. I was going with tree mold in basalt but so many others beat me there. So how about: Since there is no scale, this is from the inside of a vesicle looking out? Still going with the basalt theme.

  9. Definately fossil falls. I have the same pic taken with my camera at home.

  10. Fossil Falls, I have been there and have the same pic taken with my camera at home.
