Friday, October 24, 2008

More Beautiful Trees...

A good friend of mine, Sciguy315 responded to my mini-meme about trees that have stood out in our memories of field work and trips in geological settings. Since it was mentioned in the comments, I hope it is ok to give the picture a slightly wider audience. I especially loved his choice, as I was with him when this picture was taken. We were exploring a trail in Canyon DeChelly at the moment of moonrise, and we all were experimenting with open shutters. I was so wrapped up with photographing the ruins that I missed the tree. He produced a great many wonderful scenes of our summer adventure, which can be seen here.

Some other nice photos have popped up here, here and here. Thanks for the great pictures, everyone!


  1. Thanks for inspiring us! And that's a very cool Canyon DeChelly tree photo.

  2. Here's one more amazing, metaphorical tree that I'd be remiss not to mention. See the amazing clinging tree HERE
