Sunday, June 29, 2008

Long Time Gone....

Hello all! It was hard, but I just spent two weeks in the wilds with a grand total of one hour of internet time, mostly to deal with student concerns back home. Needless to say, no blogging took place. Great trip though, with 22 students seeing the Colorado Plateau, most of them for the first time. Sights included the obvious, Grand Canyon, Zion, Arches, and some of the less obvious, like Cedar Mesa, Hovenweep, Canyons of the Ancients, Topaz Mountain, and Great Basin National Park.

I will be slowly catching up with news this week, and I will try to post a few of my favorite photos. I am starting with one of my fondest moments: we took a night hike under a full moon to White House Ruins at Canyon De Chelly National Monument. The class was a joint effort with our archaeology department, so the picture encompasses the big picture: massive cliffs of late Paleozoic De Chelly Sandstone, ancestral Pueblo ruins, and a mystical night sky. It was a great moment.

1 comment:

  1. This was one of those priceless moments of the trip-it was a profound stage between the ruins,the sandstone cliffs, the Solstice full moon, and mortal observers within a time machine.
