Saturday, February 23, 2008

Picture of the Day - The Airliner Chronicles

Back into the (virtual) air, after a few days of distractions on the road in Death Valley, and the aftermath of catching up with grading tests and such. I appreciate all the nice comments and encouragement, and I find blogging to be a lot of fun. I am enjoying reading the latest entries into the Accretionary Wedge Carnival, hosted this month by Lounge of the Lab Lemming.

Today's photo was taken moments after take-off from Calgary on our way home from a great visit to Banff, Jasper, and the Burgess Shale in 2005. It is in part of the Overthrust Belt of the Canadian Rockies although I am not sure of the precise location. I found this photo striking primarily for the powerful contrast between the aerial view and what it must look like from the ground. The rocks are probably Paleozoic carbonates which have obviously been deformed to nearly vertical dips. My jaw dropped as the ridge became visible (and was I ever thankful for the nice had been socked in and raining the day we flew in).

1 comment:

  1. Great blog and great image. My guess would be this is the Sawback Range just W of Banff.
